Cats from space…



One day a big cat fell from the sky and landed on earth ! She had to hide, she was too tall, she could have had all humans hurt !

She had supernatural abilities of an order not that small ! But to morph herself into a little feline, she lost her ability to speak – once and for all !

She got herself adopted by a sweet girl and could live cosy and comfortably, but she had no choise, she had to find a way to return home safely….


It looked like days, but years went by ! She forgot what she really came here to do and she stopped asking why.

She just felt she could take naps anywhere and that she needed to withdraw from humans everywhere !

She was abruptly awoken one night and ran outside. She looked up to the sky and saw a bright blue light !


Nothing else but a few clouds, but then out of the blue, a very big cat came falling through !

The big cat was scared and put herself in defensive position but the little one didn’t fear, all of a sudden she had a flash back of her mission !

“I can’t believe I am speaking out loud, but I was once a bright star just like you before fading out ! I spent lifetimes on earth and I know human’s ways. It is too dense in here, I forgot how to operate !”


“There’s no need to fight, I now remember ! We only have to wake up the humans and tell them how to surrender !”

In order for humanity to escape duality, they both shared their wisdom and agreed to tell earth how to be finally freed.

If you happen to spot a blue lit crown at night then keep in mind, that she might be bestowing you with gifts of any kind !


Phuro! Be inspired!

Summoning a dragon

This is the story about a boy and his pets, a tiger and a snake. Pets the boy already had since birth, but that he was obliged to separate !

They couldn’t get along, they couldn’t stand each other ! Even being in the same room was painful, so he had them moved, the one far away from the other.

One lived in the eastern side of the castle, the other in the west. The boy had to walk miles each day to feed them and to have a small talk at best !

Snake and tiger often talked bad about each other ! They always gossiped or were trying to belittle one another.

One day the boy had enough of it, he became sick of all their quarrels and fights ! He couldn’t stand their hate anymore, he just wanted to play and laugh !

That day he decided to visit neither tiger nor snake ! A message was send to both, telling the boy’s health was at stake !


The tiger started nervously walking back and forth on his isle.

“Snakes are sneaky snails !” the tiger said resentfully ! “Snake must have seduced the boy to keep him away from me !”

“She is probably up to no good”, the tiger thought, stroking his beard. “Maybe she’ll try to suffocate the boy !” He became furious and feared…

“The boy is in danger ! It is time for a fight ! I’ll be knocking at the snake’s door and I’ll kill her tonight !


The snake was rising in suspicion and thought about a plan to murder the tiger too.

“That tiger must think he is smart, believing he can keep me and the boy forever apart ! I’ll teach him a ssserious lesson sssoon, tonight I sssneak out and kill him at full moon”.

Both animals went on a mission to claim back their rightful position !

That night was a thriller, they both met each other somewhere in the middle… There they were… ready for a fight, angry looks on their face, each showing their might !


They were about to grab one another’s head, when they heard a cough coming out of a bed. They stopped their fight and looked dazzled. Next to their battle seemed to be the room where the boy was settled.

They decided to pause a while the fight, just to have a quick look at the boy and then end this matter once and for all tonight !

The boy opened his eyes and was amazed to see them both standing at his bed, they were holding his hands and praying God to restore his health.

The boy felt instantly better and gave a hug to both !

“Seeing you together as friends makes my heart full of joy ! You made my dream come true. This is a miracle !”, shouted the boy !”

Tiger and snake were now full of remorse, impressed by the boy’s precious love and incredible force.

The night the boy’s animals reconciled, a king was born with a dragon by his side !



Make the magic happen and become a dragon…

Phuro! Be inspired!