Transformation !

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”

Romans 12 : 2


When we have eaten something toxic, our body automatically flushes out toxins, we don’t need to instruct it. When we are sick, our body knows how to heal itself. Every part of us – from organs to cells – is able to recreate itself automatically !

Inside every cell we are also able to hold memories, negative and positive ones. The physical body retains a memory of what the mind experiences. The mind or brain and nervous system retain a memory of what the body experiences.

If muscle memory wouldn’t exist, we would probably have to relearn fundamental basic skills every day such as riding a bicycle or how to kiss !

It stores the negative things aswell ; physical and psychological trauma we experienced during the course of our life. Dr. Deepak Chopra calls this the phantom memory within our cells (cellular memory).

Long after a trauma, deep within the brain, our subconscious mind remembers. The smells, the sounds, the tastes, the visuals surrounding the event are stored to form an emotional picture within the brain.

We can stimulate our body’s natural regenerative process. We can support our body by giving it the right commands. We can heal our body by holding the right intentions for it and visualising it healthy !

Our cells are reacting to everything that our mind says. If we think negative thoughts we harm our body and are affecting our immune system in a bad way, If we think positive thoughts that leave us feeling happy, we are nourishing our whole body-mind-soul system !


Phuro! Be inspired!







Auteur: Wiena

Be inspired ! Wiena Robert, mental coach & life coach, Belgium. Topics : Mental strength, emotional detachment, personal growth & transformation, spiritual development & awakening. Website EN : Op de site BALANS IN SPORT EN LEVEN sta ik jullie als mental coach & life coach met raad en daad bij en werken we aan jullie mentale kracht, emotionele weerbaarheid en persoonlijke groei ! Jullie vinden er heel wat interessante artikels, tips en weetjes, checklisten en dossiers terug. Website NL :

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