We are electromagnetic beings

“Our brains become magnetized with the dominant thoughts we hold in our minds and by means with which no man is familiar, these ‘magnets’ attract to us the forces, the people and the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominant thoughts.”

Napoleon Hill

The human body produces complex electrical activity in several different types of cells. As all electricity does, this activity also creates a magnetic field.

Human electricity energy is generated by chemical processes in nerve cells. Billions of nerve impulses travel throughout the human brain and nervous system.
Neurons are the basic unit of the nervous system. Neurons transmit information in the form of electrical signals.


Any current passed through an electric wire will generate a magnetic field, but it takes a strong current to generate a strong magnetic field.

When you send out a strong thought, a ray of energy goes out from you toward the object of that thought. This energy-ray creates its own magnetic field—strong or weak according to the relative strength of your will.

When you think a thought long enough, it automatically goes into “auto” mode because the neural pathways for this thought become strongly embedded in the neural network of your brain.

Certain negative thoughts are running in “auto” mode in your brain, and these negative thoughts are usually the root cause of many negative perceptions and interpretations that you come up with in your daily life. Unless you identify and let go of belief in these subconscious negative thoughts, you will constantly be struggling with the negativity in your brain. 

These “core” negative thoughts end up coloring your perception of reality and hence create new negative thoughts constantly. Remember that there is no truth to negativity because life does not support it. Negative thinking only serves to impede and resist the movement of your life towards well-being.

Allow your awareness to deepen and start seeing through all the subconscious negative patterns in your brain. Once you become aware of them, you can then start dis-identifying and dis-believing them. 

Also, you should start allowing yourself to align with thoughts of your desired reality. When you keep thinking a positive thought about yourself, or your life, it will soon become subconscious in your brain, and will start running on “auto mode”

The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain.

heart electromagnetic field - second brain

Similarly, to magnetic induction in metal wires, the human electromagnetic field can be felt and can influence other people who are standing close to eachother. Some people make you feel more energised, others seem to drain your energy away…

Using emotions such as Love, gratitude, joy, kindness are magnetic ! Fear, anger, discouragement, and similar negative emotions are toxic for our nervous system and block the free flow of energy.

“Certain talents and abilities are related to the presence of specific frequencies in a person’s energy field.”

Michael Talbot (The Holographic Universe)

Since we are nothing but electromagnetic energy, we are magnets — hugely powerful, highly charged magnets, not having the faintest idea that every moment of every day we are magnetising into our world every single thing that happens to us, good or bad.


“You are an electromagnetic being emitting a frequency. Only those things that are on the same frequency as the one you are emitting can come into your experience. Every single person, event, and circumstance in your day is telling you what frequency you are on. If your day is not going well, stop and deliberately change your frequency. If your day is going swimmingly, keep doing what you are doing.”

Rhonda Byrne

The way we think causes the way we feel, the way we feel causes the way we vibrate, the way we vibrate is how we attract ! To attract something in life, you must love it completely with your entire being. To draw something to yourself, learn to let the energy flow into the direction you want !

Phuro! Be inspired!





Auteur: Wiena

Be inspired ! Wiena Robert, mental coach & life coach, Belgium. Topics : Mental strength, emotional detachment, personal growth & transformation, spiritual development & awakening. Website EN : www.phuro.be Op de site BALANS IN SPORT EN LEVEN sta ik jullie als mental coach & life coach met raad en daad bij en werken we aan jullie mentale kracht, emotionele weerbaarheid en persoonlijke groei ! Jullie vinden er heel wat interessante artikels, tips en weetjes, checklisten en dossiers terug. Website NL : https://balansinsportenleven.wordpress.com

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